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Curricular Enhancement Grants


See "Events" -> "Yearly Overview"  for deadlines


Projects funded in this category are small initiatives for the enhancement of language teaching, such as trips to ethnic restaurants, course events, etc. Some examples of this type of curricular enhancement funding include the annual picnic for Japanese students and the annual capstone event for students of Spanish 101/115.

The CLI provided a maximum of $75 for all Winter 2025 matching fund applications, reduced from the amount of $150. Funding for Spring 2025 will be limited to end-of-year events with a maximum of $75 per event/per language. Activities such as language tables and similar events will no longer be eligible for funding.

Application: Please fill out the CLI Matching Fund Curricular Enhancement Grant Application Form and send to your Department Chair with a carbon copy to the CLI Treasurer, Chyi Chung ( Your chair should sign and forward the application to the CLI Treasurer, Chyi Chung ( Deadlines for both are listed on the Yearly Overview page.

The CLI Matching Fund
equally matches up to $150 (requires additional funding by the applicant’s department, WCAS, other NU organization, etc.) and covers the following items
The CLI Matching Fund
does not cover the following items
  • Trips to ethnic restaurants, museums, movies, special events
  • Refreshments for course/departmental events
  • Honorarium to course/departmental guest speakers
  • Language tables
  • Annual picnics or capstone events
  • Food for in-class course events
  • Books
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • Apps
  • iPads
  • Recording Devices
  • Online language exchange programs for all sections of multi-section courses
  • Professional organization memberships
* You will be notified of the CLI Funds Request Committee’s decision after it meets. Funds will be transferred into the department’s account if the application is approved by the CLI Funds Request Committee. Please submit original receipts to your Departmental Assistant for reimbursement.


A language instructor may apply for funds to support a special curricular project.  For this category of funding, there is a maximum of $750 allotted per instructor per specific project each academic year. There is no maximum number of projects per instructor.  No matching support is required from the department.

Application: Please fill out the CLI Special Curricular Project Application Form and send to CLI Treasurer, Chyi Chung ( by the deadlines listed on the Yearly Overview page.

Reimbursement: You will be notified of the CLI Funding Subcommittee’s decision after it meets. Once you have paid for an approved item, turn in an expense report and receipts to the CLI treasurer. If you need to have an invoice paid, provide that to the treasurer, who will take care of the payment and let you know if there is any additional information necessary. Requests for reimbursement must submitted within 90 days of the expense.

The CLI Special Curricular Project Fund
covers the following items up to $750
The CLI Special Curricular Project Fund
does not cover the following items
  • Online language conversation/partner exchange programs for particular courses or individual course sections– one time per instructor per course.
    Activities repeated for more than one quarter would not be supported by CLI Special Curricular Project Fund.
  • Curricular Project materials, other than those on list at right, that are not related to a particular curricular initiative and are not provided by the publishers, Northwestern University, Northwestern libraries, the Multimedia Learning Center, etc.
    (Applicant should show documentation that s/he has already tried to access these materials through other University or outside sources.)
  • Books
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • Apps
  • iPads
  • Recording
  • Devices
  • Online language exchange programs for multi-section courses
  • Professional organization memberships
* You will be notified of the CLI Funds Request Committee’s decision after it meets. Once you have paid for the approved item/s, turn in an expense report and receipts to the CLI treasurer for reimbursement. Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 90 days of the expense.