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Study Abroad Committee

The Study Abroad Committee is separate from—but collaborates with—the University Study Abroad Committee (USAC); this CLI committee aims to provide a constructive forum for language teaching faculty with especially strong interests in Study Abroad to network around general and specific issues related to it, and also to engage with and provide the Global Learning Office and USAC input on Study Abroad issues specifically related to language acquisition issues. The Committee also organizes the participation of WCAS language faculty to the McCormick School of Engineering Study Abroad Fair in the Fall.

Committee members

Elisa Baena

Member | Professor of Instruction, Spanish

Wen-pin Hsieh

Member | Assistant Professor of Instruction, Chinese

Ihnhee Kim

Member | Associate Professor of Instruction, Korean

Eunmi Lee

Member | Professor of Instruction, Korean

Robert Ryder

Committee Chair | Assistant Professor of Instruction, German

Ingrid Zeller

Ex-officio | Chair, Council on Language Instruction| Professor of Instruction, German